Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Education '09

Write a blog post about an event or experience in 2009 that gave you hope for the future of American education.

Both my sister and wife are extremely dedicated educators. I am so proud of their accomplishments and see the day to day dedication they put into their positions. I know schools today are much different than when I attended over 20 years ago. I see that education today is totally geared towards the students and learning actually seems fun!

I find the new outlook on education refreshing and it makes sense to gear the activities to the likes of the students. I know, I sat through many teacher directed lessons in my schooling and certainly was not engaged.

I am happy to see this change in education and foresee this continuing in the years to come.

This post is part of the MAT@USC Hope for the holiday’s event. Did you have an experience or witness something in 2009 which gave you hope for the future of American education? If so, please see this post for more information on how to share it.